MetalHertz FM is back, ya can check them out on
theres a pretty decent stream of music as we speak.. check em out.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Ireland and its cannabis laws..

when you think dreadlocks, you think rasta life, you think those that have campaigned to have cannabis legalized all around the world, Well Ireland is becoming more organised, they are becoming more political, for a start you sould check out the LCI website, and their facebook pages, and then from there you should sign the online petition.. sign the petition to legalise cannabis in ireland...
Monday, February 22, 2010
Friend of mine Chris, hadnt heard from him in ages as hes in Cork studying.. he gave me a ring Sunday morning at god knows what time it was.. i was hungover, at some point in a drunken stuper i agreed to give him a few dreads..
he arrived up, his hair is considerably longer than what it was when i last seen him.. now its about shoulder length and hes looing for the same type of hair i have.. a crust mullet, also known as the dread mullet.
he recently had an operation so hes got a bit of a bald spot on the side of his head that cant be hidden too well unless he ties his hair back, so what hes going to do is get the dreads and bit by bit cut his hair off so hes got silly hair cuts.. good plan!
we were limited to about a hour or so, i got most of the bac of his head done, i think theres room for about 2 more, but he had to run to get the bus back to cork.. i didnt get a chance to take pics either, but hes going to be back in a week or 2 so i can finish them and get the pics.
he arrived up, his hair is considerably longer than what it was when i last seen him.. now its about shoulder length and hes looing for the same type of hair i have.. a crust mullet, also known as the dread mullet.
he recently had an operation so hes got a bit of a bald spot on the side of his head that cant be hidden too well unless he ties his hair back, so what hes going to do is get the dreads and bit by bit cut his hair off so hes got silly hair cuts.. good plan!
we were limited to about a hour or so, i got most of the bac of his head done, i think theres room for about 2 more, but he had to run to get the bus back to cork.. i didnt get a chance to take pics either, but hes going to be back in a week or 2 so i can finish them and get the pics.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Are you ready for Dreadlocks?
5 things to think about before you make the decision.
1. Find out if the lifestyle and the maintenance required for dreadlocks is right for you.
2. Dreadlocks take time. They are not an instant hairstyle. The only way to instant dreadlocks is temporary dreadlocks.
3. Your Job. Does your job allow them? If you don't check first you could end up losing your job or putting a lot of time into making your dreadlocks and have to take them out.
4. Know your hair texture. This is important for choosing the right method to make your dreadlocks.
5. Proper dreadlock maintenance. VERY IMPORTANT! The key to great dreadlocks is knowing how to take care of them.
1. Find out if the lifestyle and the maintenance required for dreadlocks is right for you.
2. Dreadlocks take time. They are not an instant hairstyle. The only way to instant dreadlocks is temporary dreadlocks.
3. Your Job. Does your job allow them? If you don't check first you could end up losing your job or putting a lot of time into making your dreadlocks and have to take them out.
4. Know your hair texture. This is important for choosing the right method to make your dreadlocks.
5. Proper dreadlock maintenance. VERY IMPORTANT! The key to great dreadlocks is knowing how to take care of them.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Hindu deity Shiva and his followers were described in the scriptures as wearing "jaTaa", meaning "twisted locks of hair", probably derived from the Dravidian word "caTai", which means to twist or to wrap. The Greeks, the Pacific Ocean peoples, the Naga people and several ascetic groups within various major religions have at times worn their hair in locks, including the monks of the Ethiopian Coptic Church, the Nazirites of Judaism, Qalandari Sufi's the Sadhus of Hinduism, and the Dervishes of Islam among others. The very earliest Christians also may have worn this hairstyle. Particularly noteworthy are descriptions of James the Just, first Bishop of Jerusalem, who wore them to his ankles.
Pre-Columbian Aztec priests were described in Aztec codices (including the Durán Codex, the Codex Tudela and the Codex Mendoza) as wearing their hair untouched, allowing it to grow long and matted.
In Senegal, the Baye Fall, followers of the Mouride movement, a sect of Islam indigenous to the country which was founded in 1887 by Shaykh Aamadu Bàmba Mbàkke, are famous for growing locks and wearing multi-colored gowns. Cheikh Ibra Fall, founder of the Baye Fall school of the Mouride Brotherhood, claims that he was "the first dread in West Africa".
A person with thick locks.
In Jamaica the term dreadlocks was first recorded in the 1950s as a term for the "Young Black Faith", an early sect of the Rastafari which began among the marginalized poor of Jamaica in the 1930s, when they ceased to copy the particular hair style of Haile Selassie I of Ethiopia and began to wear dreadlocks instead. It was said that the wearer lived a "dread" life or a life in which he feared God, which gave birth to the modern name 'dreadlocks' for this ancient style. Most Rastafari still attribute their dreadlocks to Selassie as well as the three Nazarite vows, in the Book of Numbers, the fourth of the books of the Pentateuch.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Dreading methods.
There are several methods that can be used to start dreadlocks. We will attempt to give you as much information as possible about using each method to start dreads as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each one so you can decide which method is right for you.
Advantages: Hair looks like dreads the same day and reaches maturity faster than other methods. You can control the size and shape of the dreads, anywhere from thick and smooth to thin and sexy. It is an all natural method. Backcombing will work on all hair lengths 3" and longer.
Disadvantages: The initial dreading takes a few hours and is pretty labor intensive, nothing a good friend or two can't handle. The best way to back comb is to take your time and make the dreads as smooth and tight as possible.
First section the hair into squares. Square sections make round dreads. Between 1" and 2" squares works well for most people. Smaller sections make thinner dreads. The sections can be secured temporarily with rubberbands. After the hair is sectioned use a dread comb to comb the hair backwards. Start close to the scalp, not more than an inch away. Comb repeatedly towards the scalp. Eventually hair will start to pack up at the roots. It is not necessary to twist the hair. It is helpful however to roll the hair you are holding between your fingers a little while you are backcombing. Continue backcombing, slowly working towards the ends of the hair, making the dread as tight as possible as you go. When you reach the ends you can secure the dread with a rubberband. Another rubberband on the roots will help the dread stay tight at its base. The rubberbands can be removed after the dread has a chance to mature. After the rubberbands are applied to each dread the dreads should be waxed with a dread wax that does not contain petroleum. A good dread wax will tame loose hairs and help the hair dread much faster.
Dreads formed by backcombing look very much like dreads right after you do them, however they will tighten and smooth out a great deal as they mature. Using a good soap and wax is key to the development of the dreads. Well maintained dreads can reach maturity in as little as 3 to 4 months! The hair continues to dread as it grows in some cases by itself but in most cases it will need a little help. You can wear a rubberband on the root of stubborn dreads to help them lock up. Rubbing the root of the dread clockwise against the scalp also helps.
Tips: Starting with clean, residue free hair makes the process go much faster. Any residue in the hair tends to help the hair slip out of knots as you backcomb. Also be sure that the hair is completely dry when you back comb it.
If you do not have any friends that feel comfortable doing this for you most salons have at least one adventurous stylist who will be willing to help you for about 20-30euro per hour, which isn't that bad considering you won't ever have to pay for another hair cut! It is a very good idea to bring with you the products you want to use and the instructions for backcombing. Many unfortunate white children have had dreads started with the twist method and were more than a little disappointed.
Wool Sweater or Wool Hat rubbing
Advantages: The main advantage to the rubbing method is that if you happen to own something wool you can get started right away. It is an all natural method. You can do it yourself.
Disadvantages: It hurts like hell and the dreads that it makes vary greatly in size and do not look very good. Hair will usually need to be cut after trying this method so you will have to grow out your hair again before trying another method.
Instructions: Take a wool sweater or hat and rub it in circles on your head. After about 15 min, if your hair is long enough, knots will start to form. As the hair knots together you rip it apart and try to separate it into dreads. After you rip it apart you resume rubbing for another 15 min. or so. Repeat this process over and over and over until all your hair is knotted. Lots of loose hair is common with this method and the neglect method, just try to stick them into the nearest dread.
Advantages: You can do it without assistance. It is the easiest method. No special tools or products are needed, just time.
Disadvantages: It takes at least 3 years to start looking like dreads in most hair types. You need to have about 10" of hair for the knots to start forming. The dreads form unevenly, some dreads will be huge and flat, others skinny. People usually get sick of having nasty hair and cut it off long before they get dreads.
Instructions: The neglect method is pretty much just that. You do nothing but keep the hair clean. (Some people don't even do that but not washing your hair is unsanitary and it slows down the dreading process) Just let it grow and in a year or so it may start to knot up or it may take 3 years Hair texture and hair length has a lot to do with how long it takes. You can rip it into dreads and try to combine dreads that are too small with rubberbands if you like, but in the spirit of true neglect most people don't. I don't really think that people that use this method are really after dreads, I think they are just pissed off at their hair and decided to let it do what it wants. When I meet someone that has dreads obviously formed by neglect I always complement their dreads anyway and I don't usually offer advice, because they do not really want it.
Dread perming
Advantages: It's like instant dreads.
Disadvantages: It is a chemical process. Dreads formed by perming often require professional maintenance. Cost, 200-400euro!
Instructions: Save your money. Find a salon that does dread perms.
Advantages: It is all natural. You have control over the size of the dreads and how they form. Many salons are familiar with this method and the cost is usually much lower than a dread perm.
Disadvantages: It only works in African textured hair but that doesn't mean salons won't try it on Caucasian hair!
Instructions: Hair should be sectioned into squares. Square sections make round dreads. Between 1" and 2" squares works well for most people. Smaller sections make thinner dreads. As you section the hair you can secure each section with a rubberband. When the whole head is sectioned twist each section clockwise using a comb to snag the hair at the ends and twist. As each section is twisted dread wax should be worked in to hold the twists. Thick waxes without petroleum hold the hair much better when starting the dreads. After the dreads mature thinner waxes can be used to add fragrance and sheen. Rubberbands can also be used at the roots and tips to hold the hair for the first couple of weeks. Be sure not to attach the rubberbands too tightly, nice and snug will do the job just as well and should not break any hairs. Hair should be twisted by hand regularly to help it lock up.
Dreads can also be started in short black hair without sectioning by hand. The hair can actually section itself. To do this you need short curly African textured hair about 1/2" thick. Take a soft bristled brush and rub it gently in clockwise circles on the surface of the hair. As you rub the hair will magically form little nubs or balls of hair. These little nubs can be twisted by hand into dreads. Twisting and working in a little bit of thick dread wax will help them hold together and mature much faster. The nice thing about these sections is that they are chosen naturally by the hair and for this reason they dread nicely by themselves as they continue to grow..
Advantages: Hair looks like dreads the same day and reaches maturity faster than other methods. You can control the size and shape of the dreads, anywhere from thick and smooth to thin and sexy. It is an all natural method. Backcombing will work on all hair lengths 3" and longer.
Disadvantages: The initial dreading takes a few hours and is pretty labor intensive, nothing a good friend or two can't handle. The best way to back comb is to take your time and make the dreads as smooth and tight as possible.
First section the hair into squares. Square sections make round dreads. Between 1" and 2" squares works well for most people. Smaller sections make thinner dreads. The sections can be secured temporarily with rubberbands. After the hair is sectioned use a dread comb to comb the hair backwards. Start close to the scalp, not more than an inch away. Comb repeatedly towards the scalp. Eventually hair will start to pack up at the roots. It is not necessary to twist the hair. It is helpful however to roll the hair you are holding between your fingers a little while you are backcombing. Continue backcombing, slowly working towards the ends of the hair, making the dread as tight as possible as you go. When you reach the ends you can secure the dread with a rubberband. Another rubberband on the roots will help the dread stay tight at its base. The rubberbands can be removed after the dread has a chance to mature. After the rubberbands are applied to each dread the dreads should be waxed with a dread wax that does not contain petroleum. A good dread wax will tame loose hairs and help the hair dread much faster.
Dreads formed by backcombing look very much like dreads right after you do them, however they will tighten and smooth out a great deal as they mature. Using a good soap and wax is key to the development of the dreads. Well maintained dreads can reach maturity in as little as 3 to 4 months! The hair continues to dread as it grows in some cases by itself but in most cases it will need a little help. You can wear a rubberband on the root of stubborn dreads to help them lock up. Rubbing the root of the dread clockwise against the scalp also helps.
Tips: Starting with clean, residue free hair makes the process go much faster. Any residue in the hair tends to help the hair slip out of knots as you backcomb. Also be sure that the hair is completely dry when you back comb it.
If you do not have any friends that feel comfortable doing this for you most salons have at least one adventurous stylist who will be willing to help you for about 20-30euro per hour, which isn't that bad considering you won't ever have to pay for another hair cut! It is a very good idea to bring with you the products you want to use and the instructions for backcombing. Many unfortunate white children have had dreads started with the twist method and were more than a little disappointed.
Wool Sweater or Wool Hat rubbing
Advantages: The main advantage to the rubbing method is that if you happen to own something wool you can get started right away. It is an all natural method. You can do it yourself.
Disadvantages: It hurts like hell and the dreads that it makes vary greatly in size and do not look very good. Hair will usually need to be cut after trying this method so you will have to grow out your hair again before trying another method.
Instructions: Take a wool sweater or hat and rub it in circles on your head. After about 15 min, if your hair is long enough, knots will start to form. As the hair knots together you rip it apart and try to separate it into dreads. After you rip it apart you resume rubbing for another 15 min. or so. Repeat this process over and over and over until all your hair is knotted. Lots of loose hair is common with this method and the neglect method, just try to stick them into the nearest dread.
Advantages: You can do it without assistance. It is the easiest method. No special tools or products are needed, just time.
Disadvantages: It takes at least 3 years to start looking like dreads in most hair types. You need to have about 10" of hair for the knots to start forming. The dreads form unevenly, some dreads will be huge and flat, others skinny. People usually get sick of having nasty hair and cut it off long before they get dreads.
Instructions: The neglect method is pretty much just that. You do nothing but keep the hair clean. (Some people don't even do that but not washing your hair is unsanitary and it slows down the dreading process) Just let it grow and in a year or so it may start to knot up or it may take 3 years Hair texture and hair length has a lot to do with how long it takes. You can rip it into dreads and try to combine dreads that are too small with rubberbands if you like, but in the spirit of true neglect most people don't. I don't really think that people that use this method are really after dreads, I think they are just pissed off at their hair and decided to let it do what it wants. When I meet someone that has dreads obviously formed by neglect I always complement their dreads anyway and I don't usually offer advice, because they do not really want it.
Dread perming
Advantages: It's like instant dreads.
Disadvantages: It is a chemical process. Dreads formed by perming often require professional maintenance. Cost, 200-400euro!
Instructions: Save your money. Find a salon that does dread perms.
Advantages: It is all natural. You have control over the size of the dreads and how they form. Many salons are familiar with this method and the cost is usually much lower than a dread perm.
Disadvantages: It only works in African textured hair but that doesn't mean salons won't try it on Caucasian hair!
Instructions: Hair should be sectioned into squares. Square sections make round dreads. Between 1" and 2" squares works well for most people. Smaller sections make thinner dreads. As you section the hair you can secure each section with a rubberband. When the whole head is sectioned twist each section clockwise using a comb to snag the hair at the ends and twist. As each section is twisted dread wax should be worked in to hold the twists. Thick waxes without petroleum hold the hair much better when starting the dreads. After the dreads mature thinner waxes can be used to add fragrance and sheen. Rubberbands can also be used at the roots and tips to hold the hair for the first couple of weeks. Be sure not to attach the rubberbands too tightly, nice and snug will do the job just as well and should not break any hairs. Hair should be twisted by hand regularly to help it lock up.
Dreads can also be started in short black hair without sectioning by hand. The hair can actually section itself. To do this you need short curly African textured hair about 1/2" thick. Take a soft bristled brush and rub it gently in clockwise circles on the surface of the hair. As you rub the hair will magically form little nubs or balls of hair. These little nubs can be twisted by hand into dreads. Twisting and working in a little bit of thick dread wax will help them hold together and mature much faster. The nice thing about these sections is that they are chosen naturally by the hair and for this reason they dread nicely by themselves as they continue to grow..
Rumors and Facts about Dreads
taken from
Never has a hairstyle been so misunderstood and generated so many rumors. Who would have guessed that people would be so willing to put random house hold foods and products in their hair. You can infact, with a great deal of work and suffering, start dreadlocks in some hair types with honey and tree sap but like Chris Rock says, "You can drive a car with your feet but don't make it a good fucking idea!"
Rumor: You do not wash dreadlocks. Hair must be dirty to dread.
Fact: If you do not wash your hair it will stink. Dreadlocked hair needs to be washed regularly just like un-dreaded hair. You can wash dreads just as you would wash a sponge, by working the soap in and then squeezing and rinsing repeatedly to get all the soap out. Clean hair will actually lock up faster than dirty or oily hair. Because nearly every soap and shampoo on the market contains residues it was thought that clean hair does not dread quickly, when in fact it is the residues (conditioners, moisterizers, builders and fragrance holders) in the soaps that prevent hair from locking up. This is why we reccommend washing you dreads only in residue free soaps and shampoos.
Rumor: Simply not combing your hair is the only way to get nice dreads.
Fact: This is called the neglect method. Under some circumstances simply not combing hair will make it dread. The best example of this is African-textured hair. Left alone, African hair will eventually dread. Unfortunately the results, although technically called dreads, are usually less than pleasing to the eye. The hair forms giant matts at random all over the head. Some caucasion hair, if it is curly enough, will also dread by neglect but the same problem exists. It takes several years for the hair to lock fully and when it does it generally looks un kept, kind of like you might expect hair to look after not combing it for a few years. We do have tips in the methods section for caring for you dreads as you neglect them, but please note that the neglect method is not the only way to go about getting dreads and that the dreads you will get are rarely "nice" looking.
Rumor: Only black people can have nice dreads. Nice dreads are high maintenance.
Fact: While it is easier for black people to have nice smooth dreads it is completely possible for other hair textures to dread tightly and smoothly. Dreads are difficult to start and the first month is a pain, but as they tighten and mature they become virtually maintenance free. They look great all the time, all you have to do is keep them clean.
Rumor: Natural dreads are those that are made by neglect.
Fact: There are two types of natural dreadlocks. Those that are required by religion to be natural, and natural for you or I, which means non-chemically processed dreads.
If you are rastafarian or in some sects of middle eastern religions you are required to not interfere with the growth of your dreads. You have probably not seen many truly natural dreads as most of these religions also require that no one, not even your spouse in some cases, see your dreads. These truly natural dreads can be washed but they can not be cut trimmed or ripped in any way and no combing or products can be used to maintain them.
The second type of natural are those dreads that came to be without the use of any chemical proccesses. You can wash them, cut them, comb them, rip them, tie them and wax them as you like but they are started and grow naturally without any chemical dread perms or synthetic additions. This is what is commonly thought of as natural and what we reffer to throughout the site. All methods listed in our methods section are natural methods except for the dread perm. We belive that dreads should be natural and only natural products and methods should be used to care for them. For a list of natural dread products see our Products and Accessories section.
Rumor: Rubberbands break hair and can thin dreadlocks.
Fact: Rubberbands used correctly help roots and tips tighten, especially when dreads are new. If rubberbands are applied too tightly they can compress an area of the dread and cause a thin spot. However, proper tension will speed the locking proccess and prevent loose hairs especially when washing newer dreads.
Rumor: Dreads damage your scalp and can lead to thinning hair.
Fact: If cared for using the proper methods and products dreadlocks are actualy a very heathly hairstyle. Natural dreads do not require the use of any chemical processes making them better for your scalp than any hair style that requires your hair to be chemically permed or straightened. The residue free soaps that dreadlocks are washed in actually increase hair growth and cause hair to grow thicker and faster by removing residue from the hair folicles.
Rumor: If you decide you no longer want dreads you have to shave your head.
Fact: It is true that you have to cut dreads to take them out but you do not have to shave your head. You can usually leave at least 2" inches of hair when you cut the dreads, so your hair will be short, but not shaved.
Rumor: Mayonase, Honey, Toothpaste, Glue, Rubber Cement, Mud, Chewing Gum, Peanut Butter, Shae Butter, Candle Wax and Hair Gel all work great for starting dreadlocks.
Fact: People will try anything but there are products that do the job fast, clean, and with no danger to your scalp or furnature.
Rumor: Any product you find that says it works for dreads will work for starting dreadlocks.
Fact: Many products on the market that mention they work for dreadlocks are actually intended to add shine and fragrance and to make corn rows look neater but they don't acually help the dreading process at all. The majority of these shine waxes are made with petrolium as the primary ingredient. Petrolium is a lubricant and products that contain petrolium will feel greasy and cause your dreads to slip apart rather than holding them together. Petrolium products are better suited for African textured hair which has already been dreaded.
Never has a hairstyle been so misunderstood and generated so many rumors. Who would have guessed that people would be so willing to put random house hold foods and products in their hair. You can infact, with a great deal of work and suffering, start dreadlocks in some hair types with honey and tree sap but like Chris Rock says, "You can drive a car with your feet but don't make it a good fucking idea!"
Rumor: You do not wash dreadlocks. Hair must be dirty to dread.
Fact: If you do not wash your hair it will stink. Dreadlocked hair needs to be washed regularly just like un-dreaded hair. You can wash dreads just as you would wash a sponge, by working the soap in and then squeezing and rinsing repeatedly to get all the soap out. Clean hair will actually lock up faster than dirty or oily hair. Because nearly every soap and shampoo on the market contains residues it was thought that clean hair does not dread quickly, when in fact it is the residues (conditioners, moisterizers, builders and fragrance holders) in the soaps that prevent hair from locking up. This is why we reccommend washing you dreads only in residue free soaps and shampoos.
Rumor: Simply not combing your hair is the only way to get nice dreads.
Fact: This is called the neglect method. Under some circumstances simply not combing hair will make it dread. The best example of this is African-textured hair. Left alone, African hair will eventually dread. Unfortunately the results, although technically called dreads, are usually less than pleasing to the eye. The hair forms giant matts at random all over the head. Some caucasion hair, if it is curly enough, will also dread by neglect but the same problem exists. It takes several years for the hair to lock fully and when it does it generally looks un kept, kind of like you might expect hair to look after not combing it for a few years. We do have tips in the methods section for caring for you dreads as you neglect them, but please note that the neglect method is not the only way to go about getting dreads and that the dreads you will get are rarely "nice" looking.
Rumor: Only black people can have nice dreads. Nice dreads are high maintenance.
Fact: While it is easier for black people to have nice smooth dreads it is completely possible for other hair textures to dread tightly and smoothly. Dreads are difficult to start and the first month is a pain, but as they tighten and mature they become virtually maintenance free. They look great all the time, all you have to do is keep them clean.
Rumor: Natural dreads are those that are made by neglect.
Fact: There are two types of natural dreadlocks. Those that are required by religion to be natural, and natural for you or I, which means non-chemically processed dreads.
If you are rastafarian or in some sects of middle eastern religions you are required to not interfere with the growth of your dreads. You have probably not seen many truly natural dreads as most of these religions also require that no one, not even your spouse in some cases, see your dreads. These truly natural dreads can be washed but they can not be cut trimmed or ripped in any way and no combing or products can be used to maintain them.
The second type of natural are those dreads that came to be without the use of any chemical proccesses. You can wash them, cut them, comb them, rip them, tie them and wax them as you like but they are started and grow naturally without any chemical dread perms or synthetic additions. This is what is commonly thought of as natural and what we reffer to throughout the site. All methods listed in our methods section are natural methods except for the dread perm. We belive that dreads should be natural and only natural products and methods should be used to care for them. For a list of natural dread products see our Products and Accessories section.
Rumor: Rubberbands break hair and can thin dreadlocks.
Fact: Rubberbands used correctly help roots and tips tighten, especially when dreads are new. If rubberbands are applied too tightly they can compress an area of the dread and cause a thin spot. However, proper tension will speed the locking proccess and prevent loose hairs especially when washing newer dreads.
Rumor: Dreads damage your scalp and can lead to thinning hair.
Fact: If cared for using the proper methods and products dreadlocks are actualy a very heathly hairstyle. Natural dreads do not require the use of any chemical processes making them better for your scalp than any hair style that requires your hair to be chemically permed or straightened. The residue free soaps that dreadlocks are washed in actually increase hair growth and cause hair to grow thicker and faster by removing residue from the hair folicles.
Rumor: If you decide you no longer want dreads you have to shave your head.
Fact: It is true that you have to cut dreads to take them out but you do not have to shave your head. You can usually leave at least 2" inches of hair when you cut the dreads, so your hair will be short, but not shaved.
Rumor: Mayonase, Honey, Toothpaste, Glue, Rubber Cement, Mud, Chewing Gum, Peanut Butter, Shae Butter, Candle Wax and Hair Gel all work great for starting dreadlocks.
Fact: People will try anything but there are products that do the job fast, clean, and with no danger to your scalp or furnature.
Rumor: Any product you find that says it works for dreads will work for starting dreadlocks.
Fact: Many products on the market that mention they work for dreadlocks are actually intended to add shine and fragrance and to make corn rows look neater but they don't acually help the dreading process at all. The majority of these shine waxes are made with petrolium as the primary ingredient. Petrolium is a lubricant and products that contain petrolium will feel greasy and cause your dreads to slip apart rather than holding them together. Petrolium products are better suited for African textured hair which has already been dreaded.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Robert “Bob” Nesta Marley OM (February 6, 1945 – May 11, 1981) was a Jamaican musician,singer-songwriter and Rastafarian. See official site for more information. On Saturday the 6th we celebrate his birthday. Those of you in Grenada and around the world ,do you rememeber Bob? Or are you focusing on Grenada’s 35th Anniversary/Indepence Celebrations? Listen
Sunday, January 31, 2010
The Roots of Dreadlocks
found on
The roots of dreadlocks can be trailed to the Rastafarians of Jamaica, and further, to Indian sages and yogis, but they have never been more popular or widespread than they are today. It is said that dreadlocks originated with these eastern holy men. Possessing nothing, renouncing the world and possessions (not even a comb) they eschewed even personal grooming, hence the inevitable dreadlocks. Dreadlocks get their name from Jamaican tradition. Those with ‘natty’ locks in their hair were to be dreaded, or feared. When slavery was abolished in the US, it was no longer legal to enslave African Americans. But good ol’ America found a loop hole, no one said anything about not enslaving native peoples of India.
So, over they went and began capturing and enslaving people from India and the surrounding areas. (Find that in a history text book!) Hindu yogis and holy men, along with their dreadlocks, escaped to the Caribbean Islands, and began appearing in places like Jamaica, where their knotty hairstyle and religious piety were noted and followed by the burgeoning Rastafarians and holy men of the islands. Dreadlocks have their roots (again, no pun intended) in spiritual circles. The Hindu holy men of the east, Rastafarians, which are essentially Judeo-Christians of the Caribbean Islands wore dreads as part of their religious lifestyle. Dreads themselves for the eastern yogis were nothing special, but the Rastas almost deified their locks, considering the hair to be holy and powerful. Dreadlocks became a religious priority. Fast forward a couple decades, and things have changed, but dreadlocks remain prevalent. You have people like Mike Borden, drummer for killer awesome rawk band Faith No More, with phat knotty dreads all the way down to his drum stool. Bands like Korn, Bad Brains, Incubus (Brandon used to have locks), Finger Eleven, POD and many more do, or used to, sport dreadlocks, which come in very handy while rocking out. Nowadays, it is about as standard to have a dreadlocked member of the band as it is to have a DJ in the group.
Bob Marley and the Introduction into Pop Culture
Of course, nearly everyone is aware that dreadlocks were brought into the pop culture spotlight by a Mista Bob Marley. There hasn’t been a human like him ever before, and there will likely not be ’til the close of time. Bob Marley radiated love, peace, passion, and wisdom. He also have the best dreadlocks ever! Bob dedicated his life to praising God in music, and spreading the message of reform and spiritual growth in the world. Unfortunately, his songs have become frat-boy drinking anthems for many. And his dreads became a fashion choice. But when I heard his music, when I started to really listen – and grow dreadlocks, by the way – I started to hear something deeper, something so much more important. God.
Bob Marley sang almost endlessly about Jah. I began reading the Bible, and was amazed how much of Bob’s lyrics are taken right out of Scripture. “The stone that the builder refused shall be the head cornerstone.” “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” And so many more. If there is one thing I long to do in my life, it is to be part of something that makes the world a better place. Filled with the knowledge and love of God, encouraging others with the truth. Jah, short for Jehovah, is the Hebrew name for God. In the Old Testament, you will see the term LORD in all caps. This is where God’s name appears in the text. Hebrew is written without vowels, and the name written in Scripture is YHVH. God’s name means “I AM”, meaning “Was, Is, and Ever will Be”. God’s name was considered so sacred and holy that ancient Israel would not even speak it, but when reading Scripture aloud they would say Lord where YHVH appeared. When the Bible began being translated into Greek and Latin, and eventually English, they decided to use LORD in the places where God’s name appears, though the name Jehovah does appear in the Old Testament about 3 times, I think. Jah means the Eternal God. Many of God’s people had dreadlocks through the ages. (Bear in mind ALL people are God’s people. Israel was a people set aside, to be the carriers of God’s word, and a commonwealth that were to emulate God’s ways to the world. Ooops!)
Anyway, God’s name indicates His character. Eternal, everlasting. The book of Malachi says “For I am the LORD, I do not change” 3:6. Jah wants a relationship with each individual person. Every living soul is a son and daughter of God, and Jah wants to assure each person that He is trustworthy, that He is kind and loving, that He is more than worthy to be our God and Lord. That is why Jesus was nailed to the cross – He took our place in death, when WE were the ones that should have been put to death for our own screw-ups. Sin wasn’t a part of the original plan for this world. Humans were given a choice, and they chose a path of destruction rather than life. The consequences were automatically supposed to be death because evil cannot exist in the presence of God. But His Son stepped in, and because God loves us so much – His creations, His children – He allowed Jesus to pay the price for our bad choices. All we have to do is say ‘Thank you, I acnowledge and accept this gift from Jah!” and our slate is wiped clean.
Jesus’ original Hebrew name was Yeshua, which translates directly as “Jah Saves” or “Jah is Salvation”. And the word salvation comes down through Latin roots, meaning unbroken, undamaged. Jesus died on the cross to show God’s character, that God is giving, pure in self-sacrificing love. Jah wants to prove His trustworthiness. Yes, God could open the sky and pronounce “I am God, serve me”, but what would people’s motivation be for serving Him? Fear? Requirement? Jah is a God of freedom, and He doesn’t change. He wants to prove His character, and He did on the cross, and He wants people to enter into a relationship, a saving, or salvation relationship with Him based on the truth of His character.
So how do dreadlocks fit in to that? Well, it is recorded in history that many people of Nazareth would grow dreads as part of a vow, or covenant of purity they would enter into with God. Jesus was from Nazareth. I wonder if He had dreads? Would you take Him more seriously is He did?
Bob Marley said “give thanks and praise to the Lord and we will feel alright.” And this is truth. Bob Marley grew his dreadlocks as part of his Rastafarian belief. These days, few people grow dreadlocks to show their allegiance to the Lion of Zion, or because they wish to be in accordance with Old Testament decrees about not cutting your hair. Dreadlocks are now fashion, and like everything else in this material world, they are almost devoid of spiritual value. Ah, but the irony is that God is still God. The Eternal is still the Eternal. As this world comes to a close (rapidly), fashions will pass away, but God shall stand. “The stone that the builder refused shall be the head cornerstone.” God is the head cornerstone, and all spiritual people, and all faiths through history that truly developed a relationship with God, that came to know God, from the aesthetic holy men of the east to modern day Christians (like me, Praise the LORD) to the kid riding a downtown subway with knotty dreadlocks on his head and Bob Marely in his discmon Ö I mean, discman, feeling the beat and praising the Eternal Creator shall draw close to God, and God shall draw close to them, and they shall gain His wisdom, which surpasses the things of this world.
Do dreadlocks make you a more holy person? No. Israel of old had direct contact with God, they were benefited with the Word of God since time began, yet look at their state today. They nailed Jesus to a cross for teaching that God His Father was kind, forgiving, ever merciful, and not something to be appeased by ritual and forms of worship. Jesus was rejected because He taught that God was to be a friend, a loving parent and comforting redeemer. Israel clung to their rituals, and expected their adherence to them to be sufficient to show their holiness, just as the aesthetics gave up any forms of pleasure and social norm in order to suffer to the point of enlightenment. They too would have nailed Christ to the cross for teaching that God has given us every good and blessed gift to enjoy. From nature, the ocean and the trees, fruits and vegetables, relationships with one another. And love. God is love, and God instilled love in each and every one of us. Love is the cornerstone of life. Love is the only rule by which a living being needs to adhere to develop a relationship with God. Will God love you more if you have dreadlocks? Will God consider a person more holy because they grow dreads, and speak in a Rastafarian accent?
Face it, the truth is there is nothing you can do to make God love you more, and there is nothing you can do to make God love you less. God is love, and God cares for the heart, the soul. You cannot make God not love you, it is only you yourself that turns from, or to, God. God is ever reaching out to the hearts and souls of His children, speaking to us from the beauty of nature, from His Holy Word, which teaches that God is Eternal and always will be the embodiment of love and kindness. Where do you stand on this? Do you believe in God? If yes, do you know Him? Do you share with Him your heart, do you really draw close in assurance of His boundless love, and in desire to really know God? If not, why not? I want to challenge you.
The roots of dreadlocks can be trailed to the Rastafarians of Jamaica, and further, to Indian sages and yogis, but they have never been more popular or widespread than they are today. It is said that dreadlocks originated with these eastern holy men. Possessing nothing, renouncing the world and possessions (not even a comb) they eschewed even personal grooming, hence the inevitable dreadlocks. Dreadlocks get their name from Jamaican tradition. Those with ‘natty’ locks in their hair were to be dreaded, or feared. When slavery was abolished in the US, it was no longer legal to enslave African Americans. But good ol’ America found a loop hole, no one said anything about not enslaving native peoples of India.
So, over they went and began capturing and enslaving people from India and the surrounding areas. (Find that in a history text book!) Hindu yogis and holy men, along with their dreadlocks, escaped to the Caribbean Islands, and began appearing in places like Jamaica, where their knotty hairstyle and religious piety were noted and followed by the burgeoning Rastafarians and holy men of the islands. Dreadlocks have their roots (again, no pun intended) in spiritual circles. The Hindu holy men of the east, Rastafarians, which are essentially Judeo-Christians of the Caribbean Islands wore dreads as part of their religious lifestyle. Dreads themselves for the eastern yogis were nothing special, but the Rastas almost deified their locks, considering the hair to be holy and powerful. Dreadlocks became a religious priority. Fast forward a couple decades, and things have changed, but dreadlocks remain prevalent. You have people like Mike Borden, drummer for killer awesome rawk band Faith No More, with phat knotty dreads all the way down to his drum stool. Bands like Korn, Bad Brains, Incubus (Brandon used to have locks), Finger Eleven, POD and many more do, or used to, sport dreadlocks, which come in very handy while rocking out. Nowadays, it is about as standard to have a dreadlocked member of the band as it is to have a DJ in the group.
Bob Marley and the Introduction into Pop Culture
Of course, nearly everyone is aware that dreadlocks were brought into the pop culture spotlight by a Mista Bob Marley. There hasn’t been a human like him ever before, and there will likely not be ’til the close of time. Bob Marley radiated love, peace, passion, and wisdom. He also have the best dreadlocks ever! Bob dedicated his life to praising God in music, and spreading the message of reform and spiritual growth in the world. Unfortunately, his songs have become frat-boy drinking anthems for many. And his dreads became a fashion choice. But when I heard his music, when I started to really listen – and grow dreadlocks, by the way – I started to hear something deeper, something so much more important. God.
Bob Marley sang almost endlessly about Jah. I began reading the Bible, and was amazed how much of Bob’s lyrics are taken right out of Scripture. “The stone that the builder refused shall be the head cornerstone.” “What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” And so many more. If there is one thing I long to do in my life, it is to be part of something that makes the world a better place. Filled with the knowledge and love of God, encouraging others with the truth. Jah, short for Jehovah, is the Hebrew name for God. In the Old Testament, you will see the term LORD in all caps. This is where God’s name appears in the text. Hebrew is written without vowels, and the name written in Scripture is YHVH. God’s name means “I AM”, meaning “Was, Is, and Ever will Be”. God’s name was considered so sacred and holy that ancient Israel would not even speak it, but when reading Scripture aloud they would say Lord where YHVH appeared. When the Bible began being translated into Greek and Latin, and eventually English, they decided to use LORD in the places where God’s name appears, though the name Jehovah does appear in the Old Testament about 3 times, I think. Jah means the Eternal God. Many of God’s people had dreadlocks through the ages. (Bear in mind ALL people are God’s people. Israel was a people set aside, to be the carriers of God’s word, and a commonwealth that were to emulate God’s ways to the world. Ooops!)
Anyway, God’s name indicates His character. Eternal, everlasting. The book of Malachi says “For I am the LORD, I do not change” 3:6. Jah wants a relationship with each individual person. Every living soul is a son and daughter of God, and Jah wants to assure each person that He is trustworthy, that He is kind and loving, that He is more than worthy to be our God and Lord. That is why Jesus was nailed to the cross – He took our place in death, when WE were the ones that should have been put to death for our own screw-ups. Sin wasn’t a part of the original plan for this world. Humans were given a choice, and they chose a path of destruction rather than life. The consequences were automatically supposed to be death because evil cannot exist in the presence of God. But His Son stepped in, and because God loves us so much – His creations, His children – He allowed Jesus to pay the price for our bad choices. All we have to do is say ‘Thank you, I acnowledge and accept this gift from Jah!” and our slate is wiped clean.
Jesus’ original Hebrew name was Yeshua, which translates directly as “Jah Saves” or “Jah is Salvation”. And the word salvation comes down through Latin roots, meaning unbroken, undamaged. Jesus died on the cross to show God’s character, that God is giving, pure in self-sacrificing love. Jah wants to prove His trustworthiness. Yes, God could open the sky and pronounce “I am God, serve me”, but what would people’s motivation be for serving Him? Fear? Requirement? Jah is a God of freedom, and He doesn’t change. He wants to prove His character, and He did on the cross, and He wants people to enter into a relationship, a saving, or salvation relationship with Him based on the truth of His character.
So how do dreadlocks fit in to that? Well, it is recorded in history that many people of Nazareth would grow dreads as part of a vow, or covenant of purity they would enter into with God. Jesus was from Nazareth. I wonder if He had dreads? Would you take Him more seriously is He did?
Bob Marley said “give thanks and praise to the Lord and we will feel alright.” And this is truth. Bob Marley grew his dreadlocks as part of his Rastafarian belief. These days, few people grow dreadlocks to show their allegiance to the Lion of Zion, or because they wish to be in accordance with Old Testament decrees about not cutting your hair. Dreadlocks are now fashion, and like everything else in this material world, they are almost devoid of spiritual value. Ah, but the irony is that God is still God. The Eternal is still the Eternal. As this world comes to a close (rapidly), fashions will pass away, but God shall stand. “The stone that the builder refused shall be the head cornerstone.” God is the head cornerstone, and all spiritual people, and all faiths through history that truly developed a relationship with God, that came to know God, from the aesthetic holy men of the east to modern day Christians (like me, Praise the LORD) to the kid riding a downtown subway with knotty dreadlocks on his head and Bob Marely in his discmon Ö I mean, discman, feeling the beat and praising the Eternal Creator shall draw close to God, and God shall draw close to them, and they shall gain His wisdom, which surpasses the things of this world.
Do dreadlocks make you a more holy person? No. Israel of old had direct contact with God, they were benefited with the Word of God since time began, yet look at their state today. They nailed Jesus to a cross for teaching that God His Father was kind, forgiving, ever merciful, and not something to be appeased by ritual and forms of worship. Jesus was rejected because He taught that God was to be a friend, a loving parent and comforting redeemer. Israel clung to their rituals, and expected their adherence to them to be sufficient to show their holiness, just as the aesthetics gave up any forms of pleasure and social norm in order to suffer to the point of enlightenment. They too would have nailed Christ to the cross for teaching that God has given us every good and blessed gift to enjoy. From nature, the ocean and the trees, fruits and vegetables, relationships with one another. And love. God is love, and God instilled love in each and every one of us. Love is the cornerstone of life. Love is the only rule by which a living being needs to adhere to develop a relationship with God. Will God love you more if you have dreadlocks? Will God consider a person more holy because they grow dreads, and speak in a Rastafarian accent?
Face it, the truth is there is nothing you can do to make God love you more, and there is nothing you can do to make God love you less. God is love, and God cares for the heart, the soul. You cannot make God not love you, it is only you yourself that turns from, or to, God. God is ever reaching out to the hearts and souls of His children, speaking to us from the beauty of nature, from His Holy Word, which teaches that God is Eternal and always will be the embodiment of love and kindness. Where do you stand on this? Do you believe in God? If yes, do you know Him? Do you share with Him your heart, do you really draw close in assurance of His boundless love, and in desire to really know God? If not, why not? I want to challenge you.
facts and myths about dreads
Some facts and myths about dreads
and a few other links to info..including methods, history, care etc..
and a few other links to info..including methods, history, care etc..
Organic Dreads with Instant results
* maintenance,
* repair,
* dreads from scratch.
Natural Dreads
I can make a dreadlocks from your real hair using SAFE & NATURAL methods (no wax or chemicals involved).
*I can make dreads at your home.
*I am based in Waterford, but don't mind travelling anywhere in Ireland, as long as you send me directions
If you have any doubts or questions contact me here.
* repair,
* dreads from scratch.
Natural Dreads
I can make a dreadlocks from your real hair using SAFE & NATURAL methods (no wax or chemicals involved).
*I can make dreads at your home.
*I am based in Waterford, but don't mind travelling anywhere in Ireland, as long as you send me directions
If you have any doubts or questions contact me here.
I have reasonable rates, can travel or have a couch you can crash on if you want to come down here.
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